
Become A Mentor


If you are successful female, you should consider becoming a mentor to one of our participants. Mentoring is a way to support one of our participants by becoming a role model and guide as they transition out of the program. Mentoring, at its core, shows our participants there are people who care about them and their success, and that they are not alone in dealing with possible challenges. Research suggests that mentoring relationships greatly impact outcomes of vulnerable populations. Mentored youth are 55% more likely to enroll in college, 79% more likely to volunteer regularly, 130% more likely to hold leadership positions. Unleash a ripple of change by getting to know one of our participants!


18 and over |5+ years Professional work experience | Background check | 1 hour per month commitment to check in with mentee | Sign a mentorship agreement


Why are only females are allowed to serve as mentors?

Because it’s the safest trauma-informed approach to make sure no woman is triggered by a male presence while in their healing journey. (source: Traffic-free). If you are a male, you can always become a back-office volunteer and help with operations.

Why do I have to serve 1 hourper month?

We want to provide our participants with a safe consistent space. Having the same volunteer come once per month creates that safe space of familiarity.

Why do you run a Background check?

The participants we serve have the right to expect that those who serve them will do so safely and effectively. We need to make sure we are not putting our participants at risk by allowing volunteers with records of abuse to serve in our organization.