What is trafficking?
Human trafficking, a grave contemporary human rights violation, is characterized by the economic exploitation of an individual through force, fraud, or coercion (Trafficking Victims Protection Act [TVPA], 2000; United Nations, 2000).
How big is the issue in Chicago?
16,000 to 25,000 women and girls are trafficked in Chicago annually, with one third of them first getting trafficked by the age of 15 years, and 62% by the age of 18 years.
Doesn’t this just happen abroad or aren’t only foreign-born people trafficked?
No, Over 50% of all victims in human trafficking incidents reported to the NHTRC are U.S. citizens and lawful permanent residents (LPR).
How can I help change this situation in my city?
You can join the coalition by 1) Volunteering to serve with any talent you have, 2) Donating to the cause, or 3) by becoming a partner organization.
How can I donate?
For the safety of our Thrivers, we keep our address confidential. Please visit the DONATE link, or email corinne@saltandlightcoalition.com or call (312) 685-2498 for more information.